var irc = require('irc'); var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var request = require('request'); var cheerio = require('cheerio'); var config = require('./config'); // Bind recipients to notifications. var channels = []; var hookToChannel = {}; for (var who in config.reports) { if (who.indexOf('#') === 0) channels.push(who); var hooks = config.reports[who]; for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { var hook = hooks[i]; (hookToChannel[hook] = hookToChannel[hook] || []).push(who); } } // Sanitize projectUrl if (typeof config.projectUrl !== 'undefined') { var url = '' + config.projectUrl; if (url[url.length - 1] !== '/') { url += '/'; } config.projectUrl = url; } var client = new irc.Client(config.server, config.nick, { debug: config.debug || false, channels: channels, userName: config.userName, realName: config.realName, retryDelay: 120000 }); var mergeRequests = {}; var app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // for parsing application/json app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // for parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded var shortenURL = function(url, callback) { callback(url); }; if (config.lstu) { if (config.lstu[config.lstu.length - 1] !== '/') { config.lstu += '/'; } shortenURL = function shortenURL(url, callback) { request(config.lstu + 'a', { method: 'POST', form: { lsturl: url, format: 'json' } }, function (err, res, body) { try { body = JSON.parse(body); } catch(err) { body = {err: 'cant parse JSON'}; } if (err || !body.success) { console.error("Error when shortening link: ", res ? "(status: " + res.statusCode + ")" : "(no response)", '\nerror:', err, '\nfailure reason:', body.msg); callback(url); } else { callback(body.short); } }); }; } var handlers = { push: function(body, say) { var user = body.user_name; var projectName =; var commits = body.commits; var numCommits = body.total_commits_count; var branchName = body.ref.replace('refs/heads/', ''); var msg = null; if (!numCommits) { // Special case: a branch was created or deleted. var action = 'created'; if (body.after === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') action = 'deleted'; msg = projectName + ': ' + user + ' ' + action + ' branch ' + branchName; say(msg); } else { var maybeS = numCommits === 1 ? '' : 's'; var lastCommit = commits[0]; var lastCommitMessage = lastCommit.message.trim().split('\n')[0].trim(); shortenURL(lastCommit.url, function(shortUrl) { msg = 'push on ' + projectName + '@' + branchName + ' (by ' + user + '): ' + commits.length + ' commit' + maybeS + ' (last: ' + lastCommitMessage + ') ' + shortUrl; say(msg); }); } }, issue: function(body, say) { var user =; var projectName =; var issue = body.object_attributes; var issueNumber = issue.iid; var issueTitle = issue.title.trim(); var issueState = issue.state; var url = issue.url; // Don't trigger the hook on issue's update; if (issue.action === 'update') return; shortenURL(url, function(shortUrl) { var msg = projectName + ': issue #' + issueNumber + ' ("' + issueTitle + '") changed state ("' + issueState + '") ' + shortUrl; say(msg); }); }, merge_request: function(body, say) { var user =; var request = body.object_attributes; var projectName =; var from = request.source_branch; var to = request.target_branch; var id = request.iid; var title = request.title.trim(); var url = request.url; var state = request.state; if (typeof mergeRequests[id] === 'undefined') { mergeRequests[id] = { state: state }; // Stay silent if the merge request state is open and we didn't // know it before. if (state === "opened") { return; } } else { var formerState = mergeRequests[id].state; mergeRequests[id].state = state; // Abort if the state hasn't changed. if (state === formerState) { return; } } shortenURL(url, function(shortUrl) { var msg = projectName + ': MR# ' + id + ' (' + from + '->' + to + ': ' + title + ') ' + ' has been ' + state + '; ' + shortUrl; say(msg); }); }, build: function(body, say) { var id = body.build_id; var status = body.build_status; var isFinished = body.build_finished_at !== null; var duration = body.build_duration; var projectName = body.project_name; var stage = body.build_stage; var msg = projectName + ': build #' + id + ' (' + stage + ') changed status: ' + status; if (isFinished) msg += ' (finished in ' + duration + ' seconds.)'; say(msg); } }; function makeSay(body) { var whom = hookToChannel[body.object_kind] || []; return function say(msgs) { if (!whom.length) { return; } if (msgs) { if (msgs instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) client.say(whom, msgs[i]); } else { client.say(whom, msgs); } } }; }'/', function(req, res) { var body = req.body || {}; var msgs = null; if (body.object_kind && handlers[body.object_kind]) handlers[body.object_kind](body, makeSay(body)); else console.log("Unexpected object_kind:", body.object_kind); res.sendStatus(200); }); app.listen(config.port, config.hostname, function() { console.log('gitlab-to-irc running.'); var issueRegexp = /#(\d+)/g; var mergeRequestRegexp = /!(\d+)/g; client.on('message', function(from, chan, message) { var matches = null; while ((matches = issueRegexp.exec(message)) !== null) { var issueId = matches[1]; var url = config.projectUrl + 'issues/' + issueId; request(url, function(err, res, body) { if (res && res.statusCode === '200') { var title = cheerio.load(body)('head title').text(); if (title.length) { client.say(chan, title); } else { client.say(chan, "Issue #" + issueId + ": " + url); } } }); } while ((matches = mergeRequestRegexp.exec(message)) !== null) { var mrId = matches[1]; var url = config.projectUrl + 'merge_requests/' + mrId; request(url, function(err, res, body) { if (res && res.statusCode === '200') { var title = cheerio.load(body)('head title').text(); if (title.length) { client.say(chan, title); } else { client.say(chan, "Merge request !" + mrId + ": " + url); } } }); } }); });