import { writable } from "svelte/store"; import { createBuilding } from "./create"; import { getTilesAtDistance, Hex } from "./hexgrid"; import type { BuildingType, ResourcesType } from "./types"; import { getKeysAsNumbers, shuffle } from "./utils"; type Board = { [key: number]: { [key: number]: number; } } interface QueuedBuilding { id: number; remainingTime: number; } export interface VillageState { buildings: BuildingType[]; units: { [key: string]: number; }, resources: ResourcesType; villageTiles: Board; outsideTiles: Board; queue: QueuedBuilding[]; victory: boolean; } export const DEFAULT_TILE = -1; export const VILLAGE_TILE = -2; function getInitialVillageBoard() { const board: Board = { 0: { 0: DEFAULT_TILE }, }; for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { getTilesAtDistance(i).forEach(tile => { if (board[tile.y] === undefined) { board[tile.y] = {}; } board[tile.y][tile.x] = DEFAULT_TILE; }); } return board; } function getInitialOutsideBoard() { const board: Board = { 0: { 0: VILLAGE_TILE }, }; for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { getTilesAtDistance(i).forEach(tile => { if (board[tile.y] === undefined) { board[tile.y] = {}; } board[tile.y][tile.x] = DEFAULT_TILE; }); } return board; } function getInitialState() { const state: VillageState = { buildings: [], units: {}, resources: { wood: 60, stone: 60, iron: 60, food: 50, culture: 0, }, villageTiles: getInitialVillageBoard(), outsideTiles: getInitialOutsideBoard(), queue: [], victory: false, }; // Create the Town hall. const townhall = createBuilding('townhall'); state.villageTiles[0][0] =; state.buildings.push(townhall); // Create all the resource buildings. const resourceBuildingTypes: Array = shuffle([ 'woodcutter', 'woodcutter', 'woodcutter', 'woodcutter', 'mine', 'mine', 'mine', 'mine', 'pit', 'pit', 'pit', 'pit', 'field', 'field', 'field', 'field', 'field', 'field', ]); getKeysAsNumbers(state.outsideTiles).forEach(y => { getKeysAsNumbers(state.outsideTiles[y]).forEach(x => { if (state.outsideTiles[y][x] !== DEFAULT_TILE) { return; } const type = resourceBuildingTypes.pop(); if (type === undefined) { throw new Error("Not enough building types for outside resource buildings"); } const newBuilding = createBuilding(type); newBuilding.tile = new Hex(x, y); newBuilding.level = 10; // DEBUG state.outsideTiles[y][x] =; state.buildings.push(newBuilding); }); }); return state; } const village = writable(getInitialState()); function reset() { village.set(getInitialState()); } export default { ...village, reset, };